Starting an AngularJS project

I don't think there is any need to introduce AngularJS anymore, but here's a (very) small introduction of it to make sure everyone knows the basics.

AngularJS is a client-side framework, replacing the jquery code usually present on most sites. Instead of modifying the DOM on events manually (like displaying a div on a click event), AngularJS takes a declarative approach.

The following examples show the difference in paradigm between these two.

// jQuery version
$('my-button').click(function() {
<!-- AngularJS version -->
<button ng-click="showDiv = !showDiv">Click me</button>
<div ng-show="showDiv">Hidden by default</div>

Some people will not like the fact that you're putting logic in the HTML, I personally much prefer this kind of approach to a jquery based one, and I find it much easier to organise your code using directives, controllers, services than the usual jquery spaghetti.

For a real overview, please check the official website.

Starting a new project🔗

A problem new developers encounter is how to organise their code. For simple (and I mean -learning how it works- kind of simple only), putting everything in one file is file but obviously does not work once you start working on bigger projects. Since I like organising code properly, I looked around to see what was the recommended way for that in AngularJS project.

ng-boilerplate by Josh David Miller🔗

While I didn't find THE answer (there's no imposed structure like in many server-side frameworks so everyone do their own thing, which can be great), I found ng-boilerplate by joshdmiller (link now dead). This boilerplate separates code by feature, containing all the code (including css/html) for that particular feature. It also uses ui-router which is quite awesome. It also comes with a whole lot of grunt tasks to automate dev/test/release cycle: everytime you save a file, it runs the associated task with this type of file and reloads your page. I used this boilerplate for a learning project, kCalculator and while it is a very good start, I found it not that practical for my own use (I use Sass, it uses LESS for example) and it had lots of things that I didn't really want.

My own ng-boilerplate🔗

Since I wanted to start a new project (which will be much more complex than kCalculator), I decided that this time I would use something tailored for me. Rather than forking and changing most of the code of the original, I started from scratch and added feature by feature what I needed. Result is ng-boilerplate (yes the name is lazy). The end results differs quite a bit from the original :

  • no ng-min in the build (since you can do it by hand in your code)
  • coffeescript only
  • Sass with Foundation
  • templates and css in their own directory instead of inside their small 'feature app'
  • reorganised grunt tasks
  • not concatenating dist libs with app libs (need to implement using CDN for dist libs on release task)

Architecture example🔗

Here is the layout of the project I'm working on (this is still very early, probably going to change some things later on) :

├── app
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── home
│   │   └──
│   ├── teams
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── tests
│   │       └──
│   └── users
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └──
├── assets
│   └── img
│   └── fonts
├── common
│   └── form
│       └──
├── index.html
├── style
│   ├── app.scss
│   ├── _forms.scss
│   ├── _normalize.scss
│   └── _settings.scss
└── templates
    ├── home
    │   └── index.html
    ├── teams
    │   └── list.html
    └── users
        ├── main.html
        ├── new.html
        └── verification.html

All of the different 'features' are nicely placed under the app folder and each file in it has a unique function. The under each looks something like the following:

modules = [


users = angular.module 'arena.users', modules

users.config ['$stateProvider', ($stateProvider) ->
  $stateProvider.state 'users',
    abstract: true
    url: '/users'
        template: '<ui-view/>'

  $stateProvider.state '',
    url: '/new'
    templateUrl: 'users/new.html'
    controller: 'NewUserCtrl'
      pageTitle: 'Register'

    $stateProvider.state 'users.verification',
      url: '/verification'
      templateUrl: 'users/verification.html'
        pageTitle: 'Check your emails'

This file is the entry point of the feature, injecting all the different modules (list, create, etc) and defining the views (using ui-router). All of the other files are standard AngularJS controllers, services, directives. If I think something can be reused in another feature/project, it goes in the common directory.


So far I really like this organisation, and this is working well for now. I will update it as the project grows bigger since I will probably find flaws by then.

How to learn AngularJS🔗

  • short videos explaining very well everything
  • explains lots of concept using egghead videos as a base and expand on them