Using Protobuf instead of JSON to communicate with a frontend

Protocol buffers (or other binary serialization formats like Thrift) are widely used to communicate between services. JSON is overwhelmingly used for backend <-> frontend communication and for APIs. Let's see what a client/server using Protobuf would look like.

What is Protobuf🔗

Protobuf is a binary serialization format from Google meant to serialize structured data. It has librairies in most languages, including Python and Javascript which we are going to use in our toy application.

Tools like Protobuf have a few advantages over JSON:

  • smaller in size
  • typed
  • offer a common interface for all your services, you can just update your .proto or .thrift and share those with the services using it, as long as there is a library for that language

Thrift does more as it also allows you to define methods as well as structs.

Example app🔗

As an example we are going to make a small address book app. Coincidentally that's the example that the Python Protobuf documention is using as well but that wasn't on purpose, I swear! The data is generated randomly on startup of the flask app. The repo is in our github if you want to try it yourself. As mentioned in the README, the Python library for Protobuf does not support Python 3 (yet) so you will have to make a Python 2 virtualenv if you decide to install the server. The server will deliver the content in JSON or Protobuf based on the Accept header.


Let's have a quick look at the server, it might be familiar to you if you have used Protobuf before but it is helpful for the rest of us (like me, I only used Thrift before). First we need to define our Protobuf schema, which is done in the addressbook.proto file. Here is one of the model as example:

message Contact {
  required string first_name = 1;
  required string last_name = 2;
  optional Address address = 3;
  repeated Phone phone_numbers = 4;

In this model, first_name and last_name are required (controversial, I'll come back to that later), the address model is optional and we can have 0, 1 or n phone_numbers. Now, Python doesn't know about .proto files so we need to use the Python library to generate code that we can use. This is the file. You can then import that in your Python code and access the models defined in your .proto file. Have a look at the file to see an example. You can use those models as you would with a class and using kwargs for every attributes. You also need to serialize them before sending, using the SerializeToString() method in our app.


The client is written in Angular purely as an example and because ng-repeat was exactly what I wanted here. The code is a quick prototype so don't expect it to be idiomatic. It uses ProtoBuf.js as a Protobuf library. The first thing we do is a basic GET to get all our contacts which is trivial since you can just dump the response data into our scope variable. On the other hand, we need to handle Protobuf deserialization since looking at our network tab we receive binary data looking like:

�7771 Eastern Avenue��11239
�Mack�  Hendricks�3
�9573 Kimridge Cove
�7490 Orchard Hill Cove��11239"����
�693 Burlington Parkway��43824

(Note that I had to replace some of the characters so the RSS could be generated). By default, this is more compact than JSON by quite a bit but once I turned on GZIP, the difference became much smaller: 851B for ProtoBuf and 942B for JSON.

In the example I copied the .proto file into the static directory and created our models following the ProtoBuf.js tutorial. Now the only two things left to do for our GET is to add a responseType: 'arraybuffer' in our HTTP requests (which would be done in the config for a proper angular app) and decode the data we receive using MyModel.decode(data). Creating an instance looks like a class in JavaScript as well:

var contact = new Contact({
  first_name: _contact['firstName'],
  last_name: _contact['lastName'],

Note that supplying an incorrect parameter such as an unknown field will result in a runtime error.

POSTing is a bit more complex as Angular tries to be too clever and forces us to do some changes in the HTTP request:

// The transformRequest is needed
var req = {
  method: 'POST',
  url: '/api/contacts',
  responseType: 'arraybuffer',
  transformRequest: function(r) { return r;},
  data: contact.toArrayBuffer(),
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'binary/octet-stream'


While I see the need for Protobuf and Thrift for services communication, I don't really see the point of using it instead of JSON for the frontend. First, the network tab becomes pretty much unusable and I use it very often. Since Protobuf doesn't use setters, you can use wrong types in your object and it will only throw an error much later, but earlier than with vanilla JavaScript. Using Typescript or Flow with good definitions would solve many issues at compile time. Another point I raised earlier is that Google recommends to mark every field as optional in Protobuf, which is better in terms of compatibility but means you can send incomplete data. Has any of you used a binary serialization for that successfully? Let us know in the comments or send us a tweet @WeAreWizardsIO.